Baseline Shield Release Notes

v12.5 Build#2708919172 (2023/06)

Release notes
The following are the new features and bug fixes in Eazy Fix v12.5 release:
General: Minor GUI tweak(shield.exe).
General: Redesign how Baseline Shield works with Windows Updates(shield.exe).
General: Bug fix in the installer(x64.exe)'s detection of system being encrypted by Bitlocker.
General: Bug fix in the uninstaller(shdserv.exe)'s failure to remove driver files.
General: Add new command line switch shdcmd.exe /Getfile(shdcmd.exe).
General: Add new setup parameter to exclude the system from EPM screen lock(setup.ini).
General: Renew security certificate for digital signing.
General: Check Baseline Shield release against Windows service pack installation for compatibility support(setup.exe).
General: Bug fix disable and re-enable the demo setup could reset the demo time(shdtray.exe).
General: Bug fix after disable/enable protection, user profiles moved to the exemption drive become unaccessible(shdsync.exe).
General: Add vsncache configuration option in the installer(setup.exe).
General: Encrypt user password in Setup.ini file(Setup Configuration Wizard.exe).
General: New restrict resource usage: block access to Control Panel.
General: New restrict resource usage: block access to CMD/Powershell.
General: New restrict resource usage: block access to Task Manager.
General: New restrict resource usage: block access to Windows registry.
General: New restrict resource usage: block installing new software.
Kernel Driver: Bug fix in driver(shield.sys) logging flush.
Kernel Driver: Support 4K sector HDD(Shieldf.sys).
Kernel Driver: Bug fix in processing disk dirty flags in 4K sectors disk(Shieldf.sys).
Kernel Driver: Bug fix in processing IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY_EX in shieldm fails if sector size is 4096 bytes(Shieldm.sys).
Kernel Driver: Bug fix in processing FixupTrueSectorForEncrypt failure if sector size is 4096 bytes(Shieldm.sys).
Kernel Driver: Bug fix in FindTrueSectorW_COW for disk sector size is 4096 bytes(Shdbus.sys).
Kernel Driver: Bug fix in BackupNtfsMft for disk sector size is 4096 bytes(Shdbus.sys).
Kernel Driver: Bug fix in LogLevel for disk sector size is 4096 bytes(Shdump.sys).
Kernel Driver: Support Windows 11's partition modification by ioctl(Shield.sys).
Kernel Driver: Add new device driver to prevent license hack patch(Shieldmf.sys).
Pre-OS: Redesign the pre-OS EFI bootloader to comply with Microsoft new EFI code signing requirements(shdmgr.ef_).
Pre-OS: Add debug mode for pre-OS EFI bootloader(shdmgr.ef_).
Pre-OS: New code signing certificate for UEFI secure boot(shdloader.efi).
Pre-OS: Bug fix in pre-OS installer for handling MBR disk marked as GPT parition(shield.efi).
Pre-OS: Bug fix in EfiConsoleControlProtocol not found(shield.efi).
EndPoint Manager: Add columns in the detailed view to show clients' OS build number and display version(RmConsole.exe).
EndPoint Manager: Add option to show/hide the built-in groups(RmConsole.exe).
EndPoint Manager: Add scheduled task for send message(RmConsole.exe).
EndPoint Manager: Add target directory selection for send files(RmConsole.exe).
EndPoint Manager: Prevent screen lock on the system with EndPoint Manager(EPM) console(RmConsole.exe).
EndPoint Manager: Allow EPM to re-activate clients with a new product ID(RmConsole.exe, RmServer.exe).
EndPoint Manager: Allow EPM to disable client's access to the system control panel(RmConsole.exe).
EndPoint Manager: Allow EPM to disable client's access to the system command prompt and Powershell(RmConsole.exe).
EndPoint Manager: Allow EPM to disable client's access to the system task manager(RmConsole.exe).
EndPoint Manager: Allow EPM to disable client's access to the system registry(RmConsole.exe).
EndPoint Manager: Allow EPM to disable clients installing new software(RmConsole.exe).
EndPoint Manager: Display clients' CPU information in EPM(RmConsole.exe).
EndPoint Manager: Bug fix client connection fails with Invalid network packets error(RmServer.exe).

v12.0 Build#2707571564 (2022/02)

What is New
The following are the new features and bug fixes in Eazy Fix v12 release:
General: New Windows GUI
General: Windows 11 kernel support
General: Check and automatically renew one year license after the license is renewed on the license server.
General: Add function to check whether the EFI loader is ours before setup.
General: Monitor boot file changes if EFI parition is not protected.
General: Fix setup problem caused by previous uninstall failed to remove the bootmgfw.dat file.
General: Record log info if bootmgfw.efi was changed.
General: Check bootmgfw.efi file for problems before setup.
General: Fix the bug of SetBlockInfo.
General: Fix the bugs of caching encrypted sectors.
General: Fix the bugs of restoring BCD/EFI backup using the FixTools.
General: Add snapshot validator.
General: Automatically adjust DST after a rollback if computer is not connected to a time server.
General: Add setup.ini settings for configuring registry exclusion during setup.
General: Fix shdcmd defrag task bug.
General: Add shdcmd AutoChkdsk
General: Add shdcmd /mode to show current kernel mode.
General: Backup BCD in the boot folder for system recovery.
General: Fix restore@logoff bug due to insufficient user privilege.
General: Fix caculating maxtablesectors bug.
General: Allow re-activation of already activated setup with a new product ID.
General: Fix the bugs of checkmbr when shutting down.
General: Fix the bugs of protecting multi-disks.
General: Fix loop checkpoint.
General: Support move user profile to a local unprotected drive.
General: Fix Exemption virtual Drive loading too slow for the redirected user profile problem.
General: Add a post-setup program settings configuration wizard.
Kernel Driver: Add safety codes for invalid snapshot index flag.
Kernel Driver: Force clear hibernation mark if boot failed.
Kernel Driver: Fix the bugs of SmartDiskReadWriteSector.
Kernel Driver: Fix the bugs of mounting snapshot in optimize thread.
Kernel Driver: Remove shdsync in bootexec if protect system was disabled.
Kernel Driver: Fix the bugs of optimizing snapshot 0 in shdserv.
Kernel Driver: Fix the bugs of Base64Decode.
Kernel Driver: Fix the bugs of SwitchProtectMode.
Kernel Driver: Add functions to support volume filter.
Pre-OS: New pre-OS skin.
Pre-OS: Add mouse driver for EFI pre-OS.
Pre-OS: Add a command line shell to the EFI pre-OS module.
Pre-OS: Add pre-OS command line to chkdsk EFI partition.
Pre-OS: Add functions to support encrypted EFI file.
Pre-OS: Add restore EFI option to the pre-OS restore function.
Pre-OS: Remove block information if disk cannot be accessed from the pre-OS.
EndPoint Manager: New EPM toolbar.
EndPoint Manager: Add settings to turn off EPM's Activity Log feature.
EndPoint Manager: Fix EPM screenshot bug related to send message.
EndPoint Manager: EPM monitor clients visited web sites.
EndPoint Manager: EPM monitor client launched programs.
EndPoint Manager: EPM monitor windows system events.
EndPoint Manager: Record EPM lock screen message in win32data.

v11.3 Build#2705404663 (2020/01)

What is New
The following are new features and bug fixes in the new build:
General: Renew digital signature.
General: Adjust low free space safety stops.
General: Calibrate system reserve partition protection strategy.
General: Add USB offline activation.
General: Add shcmd.exe /state command line to query snapshot defragment status.
General: Add efiprotect setting in the setup.ini to protect EFI partitions.
General: Add usebootx64 setting in the setup.ini to bypass 3rd party UEFI bootstraps.
General: Add 5 seconds delay to flush drive cache before shutdown.
General: Add minidump to setup.
General: Add Snapshot Validator.
General: Add Restore when computer shutdown option.
Kernel Driver: Fix the bug that snapshot defragment fail to dismount virtual drives upon completion.
Kernel Driver: Fix fastrestore=1 caused system BSOD bug.
Kernel Driver: Do not defrag the protected hidden system reserve partitions.
Pre-OS: Add Back to Start in the pre-OS recovery menu.
EndPoint Manager: Add toolbar.
EndPoint Manager: Add view client settings.
EndPoint Manager: Add Last snapshot deletion in detailed view.
EndPoint Manager: Add server detailed logging.
EndPoint Manager: Add Key Management Server (KMS) for internal license control.

v11.2 Build#2704558901 (2019/04)

What is New
The following are the new features and bug fixes in the new build:
General: Add setup switch to disable Windows 10 from automatically installing Windows Updates.
General: Add setup switches to exclude user Desktop and Documents from restore.
General: Add Snapshot Validator tool.
General: Add dynamic disk support.
General: Fix setup problem on single larger than 2TB partition.
General: Fix "Update baseline failed" error caused by shdserv.exe crashing.
General: Minor UI refreshment.
Pre-OS: Fix the UEFI BIOS 1GB memory allocation limitation.
Pre-OS: Renew UEFI bootloader Microsoft digital signing.
EndPoint Manager: Fix a bug in EPM scheduled task to wakeup client on LAN.

Known Issues
The following are known problems or bugs in the current release:

v11.1 Build#2703965474 (2018/10)

What is New
The following are the new features and bug fixes in the new build:
General: Fix "subscription license cannot be activated automatically during setup" problem.
General: Modify GetComputerID function to generate random machine ID for computer with same HDD serial number.
General: Fix snapshot table corruption caused by power reset during hibernation shutdown.
General: Do not optimize snapshot if the snapshot is not consistent (red color snapshots).
General: Add option to install optional Windows updates.
General: Show Windows update status.
General: Refresh Windows UI.
Driver: Fix the bugs of flushing disk cache when receiving power down.
Driver: Divide the kernel driver in Fast Restore Mode and Space Saving mode.
Pre-OS: Add DiskVerifyInfoIndex to partition structure.
Pre-OS: Fix the bugs of updating sectors which is being written by another thread.
Pre-OS: Fix the bugs of displaying build number in UEFI pre-OS recovery console.
EndPoint Manager: Save the console detailed view column layout and width in the setting.ini file.
EndPoint Manager: Add count of Window 10 workstations to group properties.

Known Issues
The following are known problems or bugs in the current release:

v11.0 Build#2703437843 (2018/02)

What is New
The following are the new features and bug fixes in the new build:
General: GUI face-lift
General: Renew Microsoft Authenticode signing certificate
General: New license design for perpetual and subscription based license
General: New RSA encryption based license authentication
General: Remove offline activation support
General: Remove pre-activated license support
General: Show License Maintenance remaining days in About
General: Add program setting: automatically disable Baseline Shield to install Windows Updates that changes bootloader (BCD)
General: Modify the tray icon class (CShdTray) to reduce the chance of loading tray icon time-out error
General: Add option to hide uninstaller from Windows Control Panel/Add and Remove programs
General: Add multi-user support in Baseline Shield
General: Add command line switch shdcmd.exe /defragnow to defrag baseline
General: Installer prompts error if the system disk is encrypted or compressed
General: Modify Setup INI wizard to support the new program settings
Driver: Add asynchronous communication model to the device derivers
Driver: Add disk cache to synchronous communication model drivers
Driver: Patch disk IO that occurs after Windows has started the shutdown process
Driver: Fix the bug of locking dump file in redirecting dump thread
Driver: Support resuming in uninstall and update baseline process
Driver: Fix BSOD caused by disabling Baseline Shield
Driver: Move license authentication from COM to driver
Pre-OS: Expand the pre-OS module data cache from 4GB to 32GB for processing update baseline
Pre-OS: Increase shield.res to 1.5MB to support Windows O.S. upgrades
Pre-OS: Add option to install Baseline Shield bootloader into PBR (instead of MBR) for systems that changes MBR frequently
Pre-OS: Add shdcmd.exe /logodelaytime command
Pre-OS: Add "Switch to VGA mode" to the pre-OS Recovery Console menu
Pre-OS: Fix the bugs on updating sectors during uninstall
EndPoint Manager: Change name from Remote Management Console (RMC) to EndPoint Manager
EndPoint Manager: Add scheduled tasks for remote run
EndPoint Manager: Modify the Send Files function
EndPoint Manager: Add Copy/Cut/Paste commands for managing clients between groups
EndPoint Manager: Add check license maintenance feature
EndPoint Manager: Add install Windows Updates feature
EndPoint Manager: Add Windows Updates column in the Detail View to show Windows update status
EndPoint Manager: Administrator can limit user rights to selected groups
EndPoint Manager: Administrator can limit scheduled tasks to selected groups
EndPoint Manager: Add backup EndPoint Manager server database feature
EndPoint Manager: Add restore EndPoint Manager server database feature
EndPoint Manager: Add Automatically query and add clients to group
EndPoint Manager: Add clients settings for setting Baseline Shield clients new settings
Many small compatibility problems reported by customers through technical support

Product Limitations
The following limitations still exist in the latest Baseline Shield release:
Booting From an External Media (OS): Baseline Shield cannot protect a hard drive when changes are made to the hard drive from an external or foreign (Windows or non-Windows) operating system bypassing Baseline Shield device drivers. For example, booting from a CD-ROM based Windows PE will start a different OS before Baseline Shield driver is loaded, that could change the hard drive data without acknowledging the existence of Baseline Shield snapshots on the hard drive and produce unpredictable results.
Disk Encryption Programs that Intercept Low-Level Disk I/O: Baseline Shield may have conflict with some applications that proxy low-level disk I/O.
Dual Boot of Windows and Linux OS on the Same Hard Drive: Baseline Shield does not support systems that have multiple Windows Operating Systems with non-Windows Operating System (like Linux) loaded on the same hard drive.